How To: Bake "No Knead Bread"

Bake "No Knead Bread"

In this tutorial, we learn how to bake no knead bread. First, add in 3 c of flour to a large mixing bowl. Next, add in 1/4 tsp of active or instant yeast and 1 tbsp of salt. Next, add in 1.5 c of warm water and mix all ingredients together. Now, cover this with plastic wrap and let it sit overnight on the counter. Now, place the dough onto a counter with flour, then pat it down and fold it on both sides. Then, flip it over and you will have a nice ball of dough. Now, take a cotton towel and dust cornmeal over it, then take your loaf and drop it onto the corn meal , then fold the towel over on itself. Let this rise for two more hours without touching it. Now, preheat the oven when it's almost done and bake the bread until it's golden brown and you're done!

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